The budget for the General Services Administration, which helps the other agencies function, went up nearly twentyfold between 2008 and 2009, in part funding the construction and repair of
This is a list of U.S. state government budgets as enacted by each state's legislature. Note that a number of states have a two-year or three year budget (e.g.: Kentucky) while others have a one-year budget … Budget | Minnesota DNR Operating Budget Biennial Budget Overview. 2020-21 Biennial Budget. Graphical Summary; Overview; 2018-19 Biennial Budget. Graphical Summary; Overview; 2016 - 17 Biennial Budget; 2014 - 15 Biennial Budget; 2012 - 13 Biennial Budget; 2010 - 11 Biennial Budget; 2008 - 09 Biennial Budget; 2006 - 07 Biennial Budget; 2004 - 05 Biennial Budget Minnesota Budget - MN
State of Minnesota Debt Clock
MnDOT Funding - Minnesota Department of Transportation Interim Budget Projection Update May 2020 (PDF) February 2020 transportation forecast (PDF) November 2019 transportation forecast (PDF) 2020 Minnesota Department of Transportation 395 John Ireland Blvd, St. Paul, MN 55155-1800 651-296-3000 Toll-free 800-657-3774
A Decade of School Funding Cuts Reversed - Minnesota 2020
Over the last five budget cycles, General Fund spending has increased by 21% from $31.5 billion to $39.6 billion in the current biennium. The All funds budget– which is the amount that Minnesota spends from all possible revenue streams including debt service, federal grants, transportation, and other special revenue– is up 34% since 2006.