Welcome on the ARK server list. Find all the best multiplayer servers for ARK : Survival Evolved and ARK : Survival Of The Fittest. As a man or woman stranded naked, freezing and starving on the shores of a mysterious island called ARK, use your skill and cunning to kill or tame & ride the leviathan dinosaurs and other primeval creatures roaming the land.
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Painty PW - Elysium Come play one of the most legendary 155 servers ever The saturated game, epic storyline, r8r2, r9-r9r4, g17r5, daily quests, title systems PvE/PvP button A lot of fashions, mounts, flyers, battle pets, wings, colored nicknames Friendly admin and GMs
NS2Servers.pw aims to monitor Natural Selection 2 servers. It checks statistics and monitors performance over time on all available servers. If you host a Natural Selection 2 server, chances are it's listed here. Serious props go to Devicenull and Furs. Without the inspiration and info they provided to push this service in the right direction PurePower Rust Servers were made by the need of having reliable Rust servers with active admins and fast paced plays. Our servers FULLWIPE every week and currently own SOLO/DUO/TRIO servers. If you'd like to help sustain the servers, consider donating, this way we can keep offering the same quality and you can enjoy the benefits of skipping
Welcome to the short, but hopefully informative guide on how to get into Persistent World or PW as I shall be calling it from now on. I am Uhtred Lord of Bebbanburg Head of the Warlords of Bebbanburg which is a PW and Native Clan, also I have been playing PW for over a year now and have admined on several servers.
Sinless Perfect World 1.55 High Rate Server: Offering PvP and PvE instant cast, 5 APS, level 250 with balanced PvP. We have customizations not seen anywhere else, tons of fashion, unique farming system and a nice starter pack. Balanced PvP and friendly Gm\'s.